Final Year Projects

I completed two Final Year Projects for my Bachelor of Engineering (Mechatronics) and Computer Science degrees.

Package Box from my Mechatronics FYP

For Mechatronics I was part of a 3-person team who built a Smart Home system which had the following features:

  • A Node.js server running on a Raspberry Pi (Linux).
  • A SQL database to record the data also on the server.
  • Automated testing on the server using Knex and Mocha.
  • Communication with the modules via HTTP and a RESTful API.
  • A package box module using ESP32 chips, a MFRC522 RFID reader, a keypad and a 16x2 screen connected using the I2C interface.
  • A heating and cooling system implemented mainly by my groupmate which also used an ESP32 with a small fan and cooling pad.
  • A garden watering system which actuated an electric water valve implemented by a groupmate.
  • A lighting system also implemented by a groupmate.

Parking Demo Model for my Computer Science FYP

For Computer Science I was part of a 10-person team who built a Smart Parking solution for a future of Smart Cities to allow people with disabilities to find, book and use car parking. I was on the back-end team and also implemented the hardware demo. The overall system had the following features:

  • A Node.js server.
  • A SQL database.
  • Automated testing with Knex and Mocha which integrated with Jenkins for a CI/CD pipeline.
  • An Android app which communicated with the server using a RESTful API.
  • An Angular web interface which also used the RESTful API allowing the configuration of the system.
  • A hardware demo using ESP32s and small 9g servo motors to demonstrate the functionality of the whole system (…using Lego cars!).

Here are the posts I have made about my Final Year Projects:

Building a Smart Parking Demo Model

October 10, 2018

A summary of building a model of the future vision for the Smart Parking for Smart Cities project I was a part of for my Computer Science final year project that we presented at the Capstone Expo (CapEx) at Swinburne.

Building a Smart Parking Server

September 18, 2018

A summary of developing the server using Node.js for my Smart Parking for Smart Cities project I was a part of for my Computer Science final year project that we presented at the Capstone Expo (CapEx) at Swinburne.

Building a Package Box for the Smart Home

September 13, 2018

As part of my Mechatronoics Engineering Final Year Project I developed a Package Box using RFID tags, a keypad and ESP32s that posties could securely deliver packages to that would interface with the central Smart Home Server.

Building the Smart Home Server with NodeJS

August 26, 2018

For my Mechatronics Engineering Final Year Project I was part of a 3-person team that developed a modular Smart Home system that used a raspberry pi as the main server with various modules developed using ESP32 (NodeMCUs) that send and recieve data from the main server. This post is an overview of the server but keep an eye out for my next post on the package box system.

About Me

Engineer, maker, do-er...
I basically just like to make things.
